martes, 24 de noviembre de 2015


Taking advantage of the last rays of sunshine, we decided to go out with pencil, paper and clipboard to see nature in its direct form and observe the way branches bend and change the shapes of the treetops so that we don't have the typical perfectly rounded form our students tend to identify with trees! 

The work isn't finished yet, but the third year students were totally concentrated on the task. We'll post photos of the finished product at a later date. 


Lines are the most basic element of art and the first thing that we need to understand to enable us to draw correctly. From the two basic lines, straight and curved, we can make endless patterns. That is exactly what we've been doing this month!

Each child in primary has drawn a leaf and decorated it in sections with different lines, shapes and, consequently, patterns. Then they used mainly warm autumn colours to decorate. Finally a tree trunk was set up in the classroom and the leaves stuck onto it. Here you have a photo of one of the many trees decorating our classrooms.


We give them the tools and they have the ideas! The boys and girls of our little school in Mancor de la Vall are delighted to attend the "ambients" organised by the teachers of Infant Education! 

Our arts and crafts classes are more fun this way and the different stations set up in the classroom are a constant source of discovery and creativity. 

This week we've been painting with balls in a box... the results are spectacular! And a great time was had by all! Just look at the pictures and see for yourself...